Making Disciples LogoHere is a simple overview of our Life Transformation Groups (LTGs):

  • LTGs meet once a week for approximately an hour.
  • LTGs are groups of two or three (the addition of a fourth person is the beginning of the second group and multiplication is imminent).
  • The groups are not co-ed, but gender specific.
  • LTGs recognize Jesus as their primary leader and the Bible as their primary authority.
  • Only three tasks are to be accomplished in an LTG:
    1. Sin is confessed in mutual accountability.
    2. Scripture is read repetitively in context and in community.
    3. Souls are prayed for strategically, specifically and continuously.

An LTG is simple, yet powerful. It incorporates the values of community, internal life transformation and reproduction of disciples.


There are only two suggested qualifications for starting or joining an LTG:

  1. A desperate need for Jesus Christ (Luke 5:29-32).
  2. Faithfulness in the process itself (2 Tim. 2:2).

These two criteria balance one another to keep the group on track both with healing for hurting people and health for helping people. To compromise either of these principles will slow down or derail the effectiveness of the group.



Adapted from Neil Cole’s Life Transformation Groups Cards ©1999. Used by permission. For more information about Neil Cole’s Life Transformation Group approach, see, and see his books Cultivating a Life for God and Search and Rescue.